Bad Wildbad: Kurtheater

Country: Germany (Deutschland)
State: Baden-Württemberg
District: Landkreis Calw
City: Bad Wildbad
Location: Kurpark

Built 1864-1865 as a private theatre for Albert Hirsch. 1873 nationalized. 1888 renamed "Königliches Kurtheater". 1897-1898 major interior rebuilding by A. von Berger. Ca. 1900 extension by a stage set warehouse. Closed 1963. Subsequently used as a storage room by gardeners and left to decay. 1977 declared a State Cultural Monument. 1981-1982 and 1993 various demolitions due to safety reasons. 1999 bought by the citizens' society "Förderverein Kurtheater Wildbad e. V.". Since 1999, major restoration. Used for concerts. 200 seats.

Links:, Wikipedia

Bad Wildbad: Kurtheater Picture: inscription: "K. Kurtheater"
Front Text: "Gruss aus Bad Wildbad", "Kurtheater"
Type: Undivided Back
Size: Classic
Sent: from Wildbad to Biberach/Riß, 1902

Bad Wildbad: Kurtheater Front Text: "Wildbad, Partie aus den kgl. Anlagen - Kgl. Kurtheater u. Enz"
Type: Undivided Back
Size: Classic
Not sent.

Bad Wildbad: Kurtheater Front Text: "Wildbad, Kgl. Kurtheater"
Publisher: Verlag von Karl Blumenthal, Wildbad 17
Type: Undivided Back
Size: Classic
Not sent.

Bad Wildbad: Kurtheater Reverse Text: "Wildbad/Schwarzwald, Theater"
Publisher: Foto-Verlag Hildenbrand, Göppingen; 4255
Type: Real Photo
Size: Classic
Sent: from Wildbad to Duisburg, 1954

Bad Wildbad: Kurtheater Picture: photo montage of the Gioacchino Rossini statue and an old image of the Kurtheater
Front Text: "Gioacchino Rossini"
Reverse Text: "Gioacchino Rossini, 1856 in Wildbad Heilung suchend, von Karl Henning Seemann, 1998-2000. Gestiftet und dem Kurgast gewidmet von Wildbader Ärzten, Therapeuten und Apothekern. Die Bronzeplasitk erhält ihren endgültigen Platz vor dem Kurtheater nach dessen Renovierung. Im Hintergrund eine historische Aufnahme des Kurtheaters"
Publisher: Fotoverlag Günter Beck, Pforzheim; 2047
Size: Modern
Not sent.

Bad Wildbad: Kurtheater Picture: Interior in the 1950s
Reverse Text: "Kurtheater Wildbad (neucolorierte Fotografie der 50er Jahre)"
Publisher: Fotoverlag Günter Beck, Pforzheim; 823
Type: Modern colorized repro of an old image
Size: Modern
Not sent.

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