Efes: Büyük Tiyatro |
Country: Turkey (Türkiye) City: Efes (ancient name: Ephesos) Ancient theatre, built 41-54 AD. 25000 seats. |
Front Text: "Entrée de l'ancien théâtre, Souvenir d'Ephèse" Type: Undivided Back Size: Classic Not sent. |
Front Text: "Ephèse, Ancien théâtre" Type: Divided Back Size: Classic Sent: from Smyrna [Izmir] to Bitsch (Germany, now Bitche, France), 1909 |
Reverse Text: "Büyük Tiyatro, Efes - Le Grand Theatre, Ephesus, The Great Theatre, Ephesus" Publisher: H. Gökberk, Izmir Type: Real Photo Size: Classic Not sent. |
Reverse Text: "Tiyatro ve Arkadiana Caddesi, Thea theatre and the Arcadian Way. Efes - (Ephesus) - Izmir" Publisher: Dogan Kardes Type: Divided Back Size: Classic Not sent. |
Reverse Text: "Ephesos - Ephesus - Ephèse. Festspiele im Grossen Theater. Festival dans le Grand Thátre. Festival in the Grand Theatre." Publisher: Molay Color, Izmir; 17 Size: Modern Not sent. |
Reverse Text: "Efes, Büyük Tiyatro (I ci asir) 25.000 kisilik, 66 sira - Ephesus, Great theatre (41-54 AD) and there Were Seats for 25.000 people in 66 rows - Ephése, Grand theâtre (41-54 ap j.c.) pouvait recevoir 25.000 spectateurs, 66 rangs - Ephesus, Das grosse theater (41-54 nach Christ) imzuschauerraum fanden etwa 25.000 Personsn, Platz. 66" [sic!] Size: Modern Sent: from Pamukkale to Mellenbach (Germany), postmark illegible |
Reverse Text: "Efes - Türkiye; Efes. Büyük Tiyatro (I ci asir) 25.000 kisilik, 66 sira; Ephesus, Great Theatre (41-54 A.D.) and there Were Seats for 25.000 people in 66 rows; Ephèse, Grand theâtre (43-54 ap. j.c.) pouvait recevoir 25.000 spectateurs, 66 rangs; Ephesus. Das grosse Theater (41-54 nach Christ) imzuschaueraum fanden etwa 25.000 Personen, Platz. 66" [sic!] Publisher: Keskin Color, Istanbul Size: Modern Sent: from Istanbul to Schiltigheim (France), 1985 |
Reverse Text: "Izmir - Türkiye - Efes, Agora ve Büyük Tiyatroya dogru - Ephesus, Agora and Great theatre" Publisher: Ankara Caddesi, Istanbul; No. 98 Size: Modern Sent: from Posadasi to Köln (Germany), 1985 |
Reverse Text: "Ephesus, Turkey - Büyük Tiyatro, Grand Anphitheater" [wrong! this is a theatre, not an apthitheatre] Size: Modern Sent: from Akcay to Wuppertal (Germany), 1990 |
Reverse Text: "Efes - Türkiye. Büyük Tiyatro (1ci ası r) 25.000 kişik, 66 sıra. Great theatre (41-54 A.D.) and there Were Seats for 25,000 people in 66 rows. Grand theâtre (41-54 ap. j. c.) pouvait recevoir 25.0000 specatateurs, 66 rangs. Das grosse theater (41-54 nach Christ) imzuschaueraum fanden etwa 25.000 Personen, Platz. 66" [sic!] Publisher: Keskin Color; 35/533 Size: Modern Not sent. |
Front Text: "Ephesus"" Reverse Text: "Efes - Izmir - Türkiye; Efes, Büyük Tiytro (1. asir) 15.000 kisilik, Liman Caddesi (Arkadiana) - Ephesus, Great theatre (41-54 A.D.) and there were seats for 25.000 people, Arcadian Way - Ephése, Grand theâtre (41-54 ap.j.c.) pouvait recevoir 25.000 spectateurs, Reu des Arcade - Ephesus, Das grosse theater (41-54 nach Chriist) imzuschauerraum fanden etwa 25.0000 Personen, Arcadiane (Hafenstrasse)" [sic] Publisher: Keskin Color; 8693043002692 Size: Modern Sent: from Efes to Ravensburg (Germany), 2007 |
Front Text: "Ephesus"" Reverse Text: "Ephesus, Türkiye, Great Theatre" Publisher: Keskin Color; 35/816 Size: Modern Not sent. |
Front Text: "Ephesus"" Reverse Text: "Ephesus, Türkiye Sahnenin karsisindan tiyatronun görönüsü - The Theatrem, front view of the stage - Théâtre vue de face du scène" Publisher: Keskin Color; 8693043002692 Size: Modern Not sent. |
Reverse Text: "Büyük Tiyatro'dan bir Görönüm; Views from Grand Theater; Grossen Theaters - Efes - Selcuk - Türkiye" Publisher: Hitit Color Size: Modern Not sent. |
Reverse Text: "Büyük Tiyatro, The Grand Theater, Grosse Theater, Selcuk/Türkiye"" Publisher: Hitit Color; 35-261 Size: Modern Not sent. |
Permanent link: https://www.andreas-praefcke.de/carthalia/id/698 |