Aspendos: Tiyatro

Country: Turkey (Türkiye)
City: Serik, Antalya
Location: Aspendos

Ancient Roman theatre, built during the reign of emperor Marcus Aurelius, ca. 170 BC. Ca. 6600 seats.

Links: Theatrum, Wikidata

Aspendos: Tiyatro Reverse Text: "Cennet Sehir Antalya - Türkiye - Aspendos Tiytrosu (dis görünüs) 25 bin kisilik. Theater at Aspendus. Le theâtre d'Aspendos - pouvait recevoir 25 000 spectateurs"
Publisher: Keskin Color, Istanbul; 565 A
Size: Modern
Not sent.

Aspendos: Tiyatro Reverse Text: "Tarihi Aspendos tiyatrosunun dis görünüsü. The exterior view of the hirosian Aspendos theatre. Antalya - Turkey"
Publisher: Yetkin Color
Size: Modern
Not sent.

Aspendos: Tiyatro Reverse Text: "Aspendos Antalya"
Publisher: Hakan Bozova, Antalya
Size: Modern
Not sent.

Aspendos: Tiyatro Front Text: "Kaiserzeitliches Theater von Aspendos"
Publisher: Harenberg Verlag, Dortmund; Sehnsuchts-Kalender Türkei
Size: Modern
Not sent.

Aspendos: Tiyatro Reverse Text: "Aspendos"
Publisher: Galeri Elgen Alanya
Size: 16.3 x 11.8 cm
Not sent.

Aspendos: Tiyatro Front Text: "Aspendos"
Reverse Text: "Antalya - Türkiye - Aspendos Tiyatrosu"
Publisher: Keskin Color, Istanbul; 07/817
Size: 16.6 x 11.6 cm
Not sent.

Aspendos: Tiyatro Front Text: "Aspendos"
Publisher: Kişla Mah, Antalya; B-0545
Size: 16.8 x 11.8 cm
Not sent.

Aspendos: Tiyatro Front Text: "Aspendos"
Publisher: Güney Kartpostal ve Turistik Yayincilik, Kişla Mah, Antalya; 9789756994054
Size: 16.8 x 11.8 cm
Not sent.

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