Helsingborg: Teater (1877)

Country: Sweden (Sverige)
City: Helsingborg (Hälsingborg)
Location: Prästgatan

Built 1877, replacing a former Teater (opened 1817). Demolished 1976.

Link: Wikipedia

Helsingborg: Teater (1877) Front Text: "Helsingborg", "Prestgatan med Teatern."
Publisher: Import. genom Carl Olsson, Kungsör
Type: Undivided Back
Size: Classic
Not sent.

Helsingborg: Teater (1877) Front Text: "Helsingborg, Teatern."
Type: Undivided Back
Size: Classic
Sent: from Helsingborg to Oxford (England), 1901

Helsingborg: Teater (1877) Front Text: "Hälsingborg, Teatern."
Publisher: Förlag Tryckcentralen, Hälsingborg
Type: Real Photo
Size: Classic
Sent: from Hälsingborg to Brussels (Belgium), 1935

Permanent link: https://www.andreas-praefcke.de/carthalia/id/4087