Oradea: Teatrul de Stat

Country: Romania (România)
City: Oradea (Nagyvárad, Großwardein)
Location: Piața Regele Ferdinand I 6

Built 1899-1900 as "Szigligeti Színhzáz/Stadttheater" for the city of Nagyvárad/Großwardein by Ferdinand Fellner & Hermann Helmer. The building of the theatre was made possible by a foundation set up by Hungarian merchants. Opened 15 Oct 1900 with a gala including works by A. Váradi and Ferenc Erkel. Hungarian coat of arms in tympanon removed in 1919 when Oradea became a part of Romania, tympanon relief decoration removed in 1928. Renamed "Teatrul Maria Regina". Later renamed "Teatrul de Stat". Renovated in 1933 and in 1997/1998. Ca. 1000 seats.

Links: teatrulreginamaria.ro, EUTA, Wikipedia

Oradea: Teatrul de Stat Front Text: "Nagyvárad - Szigligeti szinház"
Type: Divided Back
Size: Classic
Sent: from Nagy-Várad to Gyula (Hungary), 1919

Oradea: Teatrul de Stat Front Text: "Nagyvárad - Szigligeti-szinház - Szigligeti Theater"
Type: Divided Back
Size: Classic
Not sent.

Oradea: Teatrul de Stat Front Text: "Oradea - Teatrul orășenesc Regina Maria - Mária királyné városi sz[ínház]"
Publisher: J. Gh.; 24024; Nr. 18, 1929
Type: Divided Back
Size: Classic
Sent: from Timișoara to Oost-Eecloo (Belgium), 1931

Oradea: Teatrul de Stat Front Text: "Oradea - Piața Regina Maria"
Reverse Text: "Oradea"
Publisher: Fotofilm, Cluj; 8
Type: Real Photo
Size: Classic
Sent: from Oradea to Bratislava (Czechoslovakia), 1937

Oradea: Teatrul de Stat Front Text: "Oradea, Teatrul de Stat", inscription: "Teatrul de Stat - Allámi Színház"
Type: Real Photo
Size: Classic
Sent: 1959 [details illegible]

Oradea: Teatrul de Stat Front Text: "Oradea, Teatrul de Stat"
Publisher: C.P.C.S.; Editura Meridiane
Type: Real Photo
Size: Classic
Sent: to Cluj, 1963

Oradea: Teatrul de Stat Front Text: inscription: "Teatrul de Stat"
Reverse Text: "Oradea - Teatrul "
Publisher: C.C.O.O.
Size: Modern
Not sent.

Oradea: Teatrul de Stat Reverse Text: "Oradea. Vedere spre Teatrul de stat - View of the State Theatre - Vue sur le Théâtre d'Etat - Blick auf das Staatstheater - Oradya. Id na Gosudarstvenny teatr"
Publisher: Eeitura Meridiane; 574
Size: Modern
Not sent.

Oradea: Teatrul de Stat Reverse Text: "Oradea, Teatrul de Stat"
Publisher: Poșta Română; Cod 86/68
Type: postal card with printed stamp
Size: Modern
Not sent.

Oradea: Teatrul de Stat Front Text: inscription: "Teatrul de Stat"
Reverse Text: "Oradea, Teatrul de Stat - The State Theatre - Le Théâtre d'Etat - Das Staatstheater"
Handwritten Reverse Text: dated 16 June 1988
Size: Modern
Not sent.

Oradea: Teatrul de Stat Front Text: "Nagyvárad - Oradea", inscription: "Teatrul de Stat - Allami Színház"
Publisher: Photo by Berky
Size: Modern
Not sent.

Permanent link: https://www.andreas-praefcke.de/carthalia/id/638