Lisboa: Teatro Nacional D. Maria II

Country: Portugal
City: Lisboa
Location: Praça Dom Pedro IV (popularly known as "Praça do Rossio")

Built 1843-1846 as "Teatro D. Maria II" by Fortunato Lodi after an initiative by Don Fernando II., King of Portugal. Named in honour of Fernando's wife, Dona Maria II. (1819-1853), Queen of Portugal. Opened 13 Apr 1846 (on Maria's 27th birthday). 1910 renamed "Teatro Nacional Almeida Garrett" in honour of the Portuguese playwright and statesman, João Baptista da Silva Leitão de Almeida, Visconde de Almeida Garrett (1799-1854). Later re-renamed "Teatro Nacional D. Maria II". Destroyed by a fire on 2 Dec 1964, with only the exterior walls remaining. Subsequently restored to the original designs. Re-opened 1978. The theatre includes the main stage, "Sala Garrett" (699 seats), and a studio theatre, "Sala Estúdio Amélia Rey Colaço/Robles Monteiro" (80 seats). Used for drama performances.

Links:, Wikipedia

Lisboa: Teatro Nacional D. Maria II Collectible Card
Front Text: "Au Portugal, Lisbonne, Praça do Ricio"
Publisher: Compagnie Liebig
Size: 11.0 x 7.1 cm

Lisboa: Teatro Nacional D. Maria II Front Text: "Lisboa - Theatro de D. Maria II"
Publisher: Tabacaria Ingleza
Type: Divided Back
Size: Classic
Sent: to Den Haag (Netherlands), 1912

Lisboa: Teatro Nacional D. Maria II Front Text: "Lisbôa - Teatro Nacional Almeida Garret"
Publisher: Roque Sucessores
Type: Divided Back
Size: Classic
Not sent.

Lisboa: Teatro Nacional D. Maria II Front Text: "Lisboa (Portgual) - Theatro Nacional Almeida Garrett"
Publisher: Martins & Silva, Lisboa; 1227
Type: Divided Back
Size: Classic
Sent: to Namur (Belgium), 1914

Lisboa: Teatro Nacional D. Maria II Reverse Text: "Lisboa - Rocio, Teatro Nacional - Rocio, Théâtre National - Rocio, National Theatre"
Publisher: Lisboa Turistica; GC-12
Size: Modern
Sent: from Lisboa to Lugano (Switzerland), 1960

Lisboa: Teatro Nacional D. Maria II Front Text: "portugal Lisboa"
Publisher: Portuguese National Tourist Office
Size: Modern
Not sent.

Lisboa: Teatro Nacional D. Maria II Reverse Text: "Lisboa - Portugal - Rossio"
Publisher: Cómer, Lisboa
Size: Modern
Not sent.

Lisboa: Teatro Nacional D. Maria II Front Text: "Lisboa"
Reverse Text: "Lisboa - Teatro Nacional; Lisboa - Théâtre National; Lisboa - National Theatre"
Publisher: Cómer-Trav. do Alecrim, Lisboa; 2013
Size: Modern
Sent: to Niort (France) [stamp and postmark removed]

Lisboa: Teatro Nacional D. Maria II Reverse Text: "Lisboa - Portugal - Teatro D. Maria, Théâtre D. Marie"
Publisher: Ed. R A N, Lisboa; 181
Size: Modern
Not sent.

Lisboa: Teatro Nacional D. Maria II Front Text: "Rossio"
Reverse Text: "Lisboa - Portugal - Rossio"
Publisher: Ed. Margrape; 128
Size: Modern
Not sent.

Lisboa: Teatro Nacional D. Maria II Front Text: "Postal dos Correios. Fala por si"
Reverse Text: "Almeida d'Eça, Teatro D. Maria II, Lisboa"
Publisher: CTT Correios; Série I (1994) 5
Size: Modern
Not sent.

Lisboa: Teatro Nacional D. Maria II Front Text: "Visitas Guiadas - Guided Tours", "Teatro Nacional D. Maria II"
Reverse Text: advertising guided tours through the theatre
Publisher: Teatro Nacional D. Maria II, Lisboa
Type: Advertising Card, not designed for postal use
Size: Modern
Not sent.

Lisboa: Teatro Nacional D. Maria II Picture: dressing room
Front Text: "Teatro Nacional D. Maria II", "Guided Tours, Visitas Guiadas"
Reverse Text: advertising guided tours through the theatre
Publisher: Teatro Nacional D. Maria II, Lisboa
Type: Advertising Card, not designed for postal use
Size: Modern
Not sent.

Permanent link: