Pula: Amfiteatar

Country: Croatia (Hrvatska)
City: Pula
Location: Flavijevska Ulica

Ancient Roman amphitheatre (not a theatre). Used for theatrical and musical performances, as an outdoor cinema and as an ice hockey stadium in modern times.

Links: Amphi-Theatrum, Wikipedia

Pula: Amfiteatar Picture: amphitheatre used as an outdoor cinema
Reverse Text: "Pula. Arena (1. st.), Amphitheater (1. Jh.), Amphitheatre (1st c.), L'Amphithéâtre (1ème s.), Arena (I sec.)"
Publisher: Turistkomerc, Zagreb; 910
Size: Classic
Not sent.

Pula: Amfiteatar Picture: amphitheatre used as an outdoor cinema
Reverse Text: "Pula"
Publisher: Izdavac Vjesnik, Zagreb; 14001
Size: Modern
Sent: from Fazana to Beograd, 1990

Pula: Amfiteatar Picture: amphitheatre during a theatre performance
Front Text: "Pula", "Croatia"
Publisher: Viza, Zagreb
Size: Modern
Sent: from Pula to Italy, 2011

Permanent link: https://www.andreas-praefcke.de/carthalia/id/5782