Budapest: Állami Operaház

Country: Hungary (Magyaroszág)
City: Budapest
Location: Pest, VI., Andrássy út 22

Built 1875-1884 as "Királyi Operaház" (Royal Opera House) by Miklós Ybl. Opened 27 September 1884 with an opera gala with music by Erkel and Wagner. The theatre had the first hydraulic sinkable stage in Europe. Exterior damaged in World War II. Re-opened 1945. 1950 auditorium renovation and slight alterations (new light system, new curtain, addition of 25 rows of seats) by Oskar Kaufmann. 1979-1984 and again from 2019 major renovations. Used for opera and ballet performances by the resident companies. 1277 seats.

Notable world premieres:

  • Ferenc Erkel: István Király (14 Mar 1885)
  • Karl Goldmark: Götz von Berlichingen (16 Dec 1902)
  • Franz Lehár: Wo die Lerche singt (1 Feb 1918)
  • Béla Bartók: A Kékszakállú Herceg Vára (Bluebeard's Castle, 24 May 1918)
  • Jenö Hubay: Karenina Anna (10 Nov 1923)
  • Zoltán Kodály: Háry János (16 Oct 1926)
  • Zoltán Kodály: Székely fonó (24 Apr 1932)
  • Jenö Hubay: Anna Karenina (10 Nov 1932)

Links:, Wikipedia

Budapest: Allami Operahaz Front Text: "Budapest : Magy. kir operaház - Königl. Oper"
Handwritten Front Text: a postcard collector asking for a card in exchange - in a rhymed poem: "Gern wirk' ich mit, Ihr Album füllen / Und Ihre Sammlerlust zu stillen. / Doch ist Revansche hier Gebrauch, / Drum merken Sie: 'Ich sammle auch'!"
Type: Moonlight Card; Undivided Back
Size: Classic
Sent: from Budapest to Viersen (Germany), 1901

Budapest: Allami Operahaz Front Text: "Üdvözlet Budapeströl! Gruss aus Budapest!", "Andrássy uti részlet az operával. Ein Theil der Andrássystrasse mit der Oper."
Publisher: Edgar Schmidt, Dresden - Budapest
Type: Undivided Back
Size: Classic
Sent: from Budapest to Mettmann (Germany), 1901

Budapest: Allami Operahaz

Budapest: Allami Operahaz Front Text: "Budapest - Königliche Oper"
Publisher: Kunstanstalt Kosmos, München/Budapest/Graz
Type: Hold-to-Light Card; Undivided Back
Size: Classic
Sent: to Wien (Austria), [stamp and postmark removed]

Budapest: Allami Operahaz Reverse Text: "Budapest, Királyi operaház - Königl. ung. Oper"
Type: Divided Back
Size: Classic
Not sent.

Budapest: Allami Operahaz Front Text: "Budapest - Kir. Opera - Königl. Oper"
Publisher: Kiadó Schwarcz I. Budapest
Type: Divided Back
Size: Classic
Sent: from Budapest to Kiel (Germany), 1909

Budapest: Allami Operahaz Pop-up card
Text: "Budapest Operaház", signed: NJ
Publisher: Képzömüvészeti Alap Kiadóvállalata, Budapest
Size: Modern
Sent: to Châlons-sur-Marne (France) [stamp and postmark removed]

Budapest: Allami Operahaz Reverse Text: "Budapest, Magyar Állami Operaház, Opernhaus, Opera house, Budapesht, Vengersky Gosudarstvenny Operny Teatr"
Publisher: Képzömüvészeti Alap Kiadóvállalata, Budapest; I.-280/682
Size: Modern
Not sent.

Budapest: Allami Operahaz Reverse Text: "Budapest - Operaház - Die Oper - The opera-house, g. Budapesht, Operny teatr"
Handwritten Reverse Text: new year's wishes for 1963
Recorded Music: "Rondo" from Gounod's "Faust", with János Fodor (baritone) and the Orchestra of the Budapest Opera House, conducted by András Koródy
Publisher: Képzömüvészeti Alap Kiadóvállalata, Budapest; Colorvox
Type: Gramophone Postcard
Size: 15 x 20 cm
Sent: addressed to Daigny (France), probably sent within an envelope

Budapest: Allami Operahaz Reverse Text: "Budapest - Operaház, Opernhaus, Opera house, Opernyi Teatr"
Publisher: Képzömüvészeti Alap Kiadóvállalata, Budapest
Size: Modern
Sent: from Budapest to Jena (Germany), 1971

Budapest: Allami Operahaz Reverse Text: "Budapest - Operaház, 1875-1884 (XIX. sz.), Opernhaus (XIX. Jh.), OPerahouse (19th c.); Budapesht, Operny teatr (XIX v.)"
Publisher: Képzömüvészeti Alap Kiadóvállalata, Budapest; I.-7356/812
Size: Modern
Not sent.

Budapest: Allami Operahaz Reverse Text: "Budapest - Magyar Állami Operaház, 1875-1884 (Ybl Miklós) - Ungarisches Staatsopernhaus - Hungarian State Opera House"
Publisher: Képzömüvészeti Kiadó, Budapest
Size: Modern
Sent: from Budapest to Berlin (Germany), 198? [postmark partly illegible]

Budapest: Allami Operahaz Reverse Text: "Budapest - Magyar Állami Operaház (1875-1884. Ybl, Miklós) - Ungarisches Staatsopernhaus - Hungarian State Opera House"
Publisher: Képzömüvészeti Kiadó, Budapest; MT.-2573/852
Size: Modern
Not sent.

Budapest: Allami Operahaz Reverse Text: "Budapest - Magyar Állami Operaház (XIX. sz.) Előcsarnok. Ungarische Staatsoper (XIX. Jh.) Foyer. Hungarian Opera-house (19th c.) foyer, Budapesht. Vengersaya Opera (19. v.) Foye"
Publisher: Képzömüvészeti Kiadó, Budapest; L-8600/852
Size: Modern
Not sent.

Budapest: Allami Operahaz Stamps (Hungary, 1984)

Budapest: Allami Operahaz Stamp Block (Hungary, 1984)
Text: "100 évez az Operaház"

Budapest: Allami Operahaz Reverse Text: "Budapest, Magyar Állami Operaház 1875-1895 (Ybl, Miklós) - Ungarisches Staatsopernhaus - Hungarian State Opera House - Budapesht, Vengerskaya Gosudarstvennaya Opera"
Publisher: Postcard from Hungary, Pál Huber, Budapest; No. 16
Size: Modern
Sent:from Budapest to Bolzano (Italy), 1986

Budapest: Allami Operahaz Reverse Text: "Nézötér. Auditorium. Zuschauerraum. Salle des spectateurs. Zritelny zal."
Publisher: MTI; 841015/1
Size: Modern
Sent: from Budapest to Kassel (Germany), 1988

Budapest: Allami Operahaz Front Text: "Budapest"
Reverse Text: "Budapest, Magyar Állami Operaház, The Opera House, Die Ungarische Staatsoper"
Publisher: Postcard from Hungary, Pál Huber, Budapest; No. 16
Size: Modern
Not sent.

Budapest: Allami Operahaz Stamp (Hungary, 1993)
Size: 8 x 6 cm

Budapest: Allami Operahaz

Budapest: Allami Operahaz
Phone Card (Matáv, 1995)
Front Text: "Budapest Reggen és ma. Budapest 1902 - Operaház"

Budapest: Allami Operahaz Front Text: "Opera-House Budapest Operaház"
Reverse Text: "Budapest, Operaház, Opernhaus, Opera-house"
Publisher: Sygnatura, Budapest
Size: Modern
Sent: from Budapest to St. Augustin (Germany), 2000

Budapest: Allami Operahaz Front Text: "Opera-house Budapest"
Reverse Text: "Operaház, The Opera-house, Das Opernhaus, Opera"
Publisher: Ars Una Studio; 5997883500015; 10000168
Size: Modern
Not sent.

Budapest: Allami Operahaz Stamp (Hungary, 2016)
Text: "Simándy József (1916-1997)"

Budapest: Allami Operahaz Picture: illustration of the opera house, a page of sheet music from Erkel's "Bánk Bán", and the Opera underground station
Front Text: "Budapest Opera House"
Reverse Text: "Budapest Opera House"
Publisher: Citygraph Gallery, Budapest; Béla Magyar 2018
Size: Modern
Not sent.

Budapest: Allami Operahaz Front Text: "Budapest Opera"
Reverse Text: "Hungarian State Opera, Budapest, Hungary"
Publisher: Travels with ribizilfozelek at Zazzle
Size: Modern
Not sent.

Budapest: Allami Operahaz Reverse Text: "Budapest Opera House by Stuart Robertson Reynolds"
Size: Modern
Not sent.

Budapest: Allami Operahaz Reverse Text: "Hungarian Royal State Opera House in Budapest, Hungary"
Size: Modern
Not sent.

For another postcard of this theatre, see Budapest: Cards showing various theatres.

Permanent link: