Faistos: Théatro

Country: Greece (Ellás)
City: Faistos (ancient name: Phaistos)
Location: Palace of Phaistos; West Court

Stairs at the Minoan Palace of Phaistos complex (ca. 1700-1430 BC), identified by some archaeologists as a theatre area.

Links: diazoma.gr, Wikidata

Faistos: Theatro Reverse Text: "Faistos - To theatron. Kentriki klimax / Phaestos - The Theatre. Central stairs / Phaistos - Le Théâtre. L'escalier central / Faistos - Das Theater. Die Haupttreppe / Festos - Il Teatro. Scala centrale"
Publisher: Andreas Eleftheriadis, Herakleion
Size: Modern
Not sent.

Permanent link: http://www.andreas-praefcke.de/carthalia/id/9172