Miranda de Ebro: Teatro Apolo

Country: Spain (España)
Region: Castilla y León
City: Miranda de Ebro
Location: Plaza Santa María

Built 1918-1920 by Fermín Álamo. Opened 4 Oct 1921 with the brothers Álvarez Quintero's play "El genio alegre". 2015 rebuilding by Miguel Verdú Belmonte.

Links: entradas.tourmiranda.es, Wikipedia

Miranda de Ebro: Teatro Apolo Picture: left: Saint Mary's Church, right: Teatro Salón Apolo
Reverse Text: "Iglesia de Santa María y Teatro Salón Apolo. Miranda de Ebro (Burgos)"
Publisher: Ediciones Sicilia, Zaragoza
Size: Modern
Not sent.

Permanent link: https://www.andreas-praefcke.de/carthalia/id/4527