Wien: Kärntnertortheater (old)

Country: Austria (Österreich)
State: Wien
City: Wien
Location: 1.; Philharmonikerstraße (former name: Augustinerbastei)

Built 1709 by A. Beduzzi for the city of Vienna. Opened 1709 by an Italian drama company. Subsequently mainly used for comedy performances, including Joseph Anton Stranitzky in his legendary comic stage role, "Hans Wurst". Destroyed by a fire in 1761.

[Subsequently, a new Kärtnertortheater was built on the site.]

Links: EUTA, Wikipedia

Wien: Kaerntnertortheater (old) Front Text: "Gruß aus der guten alten Stadt Wien. Bürgerspitalkirche und Kärntnerthortheater"
Type: Undivided Back; c. 1900 postcard of an 18th-century image
Size: Classic
Not sent.

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