Grein: Stadttheater

Country: Austria (Österreich)
State: Oberösterreich
City: Grein
Location: Altes Rathaus, Stadtplatz 7

Built 1790-1791 for the local theatre society "Bürgerliche Dilettantengesellschaft". Currently used for professional drama performances in July and August, and for amateur productions by the "Bürgerliche Dilettantengesellschaft" in spring or autumn. Much of the original decoration and furniture is still to be seen, including original "Sperrsitz" seat rows and an original toilet, only separated from the auditorium by a curtain.

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Grein: Stadttheater Picture: left: Rathaus (town hall), containing the theatre
Front Text: "Sommerfrische Grein a. d. Donau, Ob.Oe. Hauptplatz"
Publisher: P. Ledermann, Wien; 78367; 1966
Type: Real Photo
Size: Classic
Not sent.

Grein: Stadttheater Front Text: "Grein a. Donau, Theatersaal"
Publisher: Verlag Prof. Gustav Fenz, Wien II; 2407
Type: Real Photo
Size: Classic
Not sent.

Grein: Stadttheater Reverse Text: "Grein a. d. Donau, Strudengau, O-Ö."
Type: Real Photo
Size: Classic
Not sent.

Grein: Stadttheater Front Text: "Grein a. d. Donau, Ob.Oe., Stadttheater"
Publisher: P. Ledermann, Wien; 72922
Type: Real Photo
Size: Classic
Not sent.

Grein: Stadttheater Front Text: "Grein a. d. Donau, OÖ. Stadttheater, das älteste in seiner ursprünglichen Gestalt erhaltene Theater Österreichs"
Publisher: Hans Korner, Grein; 80754
Type: Real Photo
Size: Modern
Not sent.

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